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Fiberglass Batts

This type of insulation comes in large batts that contains billions of tiny glass fibers, which traps air inside and slows down the transfer of heat.

R-Value depend on the thickness of the batts but standard fiberglass insulation is between R-2.2 and R-3.8 per inch

• If they do not get wet, they can last anywhere from 10-25 years
• In extreme cold conditions it loses heat quickly
• Somewhat flammable due to the kraft paper on the batts
• Least expensive of the three, but also the least efficient

Why ISP?
• Even though some batts come pre-cut the often do not fit where you need them to, that means they have to be cut down and it can be very time consuming.
• Fiberglass can irritate your skin and throat

Blow-In Fiberglass

Is the loose-fill version of fiberglass batts, this type of insulation is basically smaller chunks of fiberglass that is pushed through a large hose and blown evenly into the space where it is needed.

between R-2.2 and R-3.8 per inch

• Efficiently and price wise, blown-in fiberglass is in the middle. It is more efficient then the batts because it can be easily blown around objects.
• Though it is extremely difficult to ignite, once it is, it may burn fast and hot. It could also emit toxic gases while it is being burnt.
• It last around 25 years (depending on the clement of the home)

Why ISP?
• Requires special equipment
• Like fiberglass batts, it can irritate your skin and throat

Spray-In Foam

contains both a polymer and a foaming agent. After being sprayed it expands to roughly 100 times its original volume and hardens into a solid.

between R-6.3 to R-6.7 per inch depending on the winter or summer mixture

• Niehaus ISP professional’s use, what is called, “Closed Cell” spray foam. This is opposed to “open cell” spray foam; this means the foam is not only an air barrier but also a moisture and vapor barrier.
• Because it keeps the moisture out it, it also keeps out mold, dust and pollen. This can help relieve numeras allergies and prevent other health risk that come from breathing in mold spurs.
• It fills vacant air gaps and will expand and contract in relation to the building
• It adds up to 100% racking strength to your walls and roof.
• Some spray foams are flammable, however most closed cell spray foams come with a fire retardant
• Most expensive of the three, but also most efficient
• Helps sound proof your home better
• It last +80 years

Why ISP?
• Spray foam can irritate your eyes, gastrointestinal track and repertory track while being applied.
• Be insured that the foam is installed evenly and correctly.
• Requires special equipment to insure the polymer and foam agent are mixed perfectly together.



Gutters, if properly installed, can help maintain the house’s structure by increasing the efficiency of water transferred from the roof to a drainage system. At Niehaus ISP we install seamless aluminum gutter systems for both commercial and residential buildings. Aluminum gutter systems are lightweight, seamless and are made on-site. We use top of the line equipment to suit the specific needs of each building for a better fit. Though, all gutters need some maintenance to them to keep them debris free and clean, Aluminum gutters do not need to be replaced often and unlike some other gutter materials they do not require painting. They are available in 5” for residential homes and 6” for commercial buildings. The gutters are .032” thick and come in 24 different colors to help you match or complement the look of your home or building.